I fell in love with this Crate & Barrel floor lamp and wanted to buy immediately but its price $349.00 held me back. I looked for cheaper price but did not find great quality for $50.
This is the lamp I have/had. It was bought from Walmart for $30 few years ago. It is old but in good condition. I do not like discarding functional lamps. There is almost always a way to recycle them for a new look.
This is the new look of the lamp same lamp.
I made a final attempt to buy a new lamp at IKEA. I did not find a lamp there for my budget instate I came across this drum shape shade in white for about $7.00. My original lamp is antique color. The white shade did not look good with the antique lamp pole. So I decided to redo the shade with glossy antique color fabric.
I made these ruffles according to the circumference of the drum. They are a little more than 3 inch wide. I used a sewing machine to create the ruffles.
The white shade was was warped with the same fabric using a hot glue gun.
Then using a hot glue gun the ruffles were attached.
It looked like this after the shade was covered with ruffles.
These roses were attached ahead of time and was attached using hot glue.
This is the drum shade in cooling process after the roses were attached.
Finally, it looks like this. I am very happy with the results.
Those who are wondering ....... I only spend $8.00 ( $7.00 shade & $1.00 glue sticks). I had the fabric in hand, but if I had to buy it I would not spend more then $5.00. I used 1 and 1/2 yards of fabric. Originally I was ready to spend $50.00. I am so happy that I did not buy a new one.
Those who are wondering how I made the roses please look watch this video: